Dr V. K. R. V. Rao

Vijayendra Kasturi Ranga Varadaraja Rao


·   V. K. R. V. Rao, was a prominent Indian economist, politician, professor and educator. Arguably, he was one of the best economists India has produced, and was without doubt the leading creator of its intellectual institutions.

·    Prof. V.K.R.V. Rao falls in the line of great Indian leaders and scholars such as M.G. Ranade, Gandhiji, J.K. Mehta, who emphasized the human values and ethics in the discipline of economics.

·     For him the nature and purpose of economic activity is different from what is prescribed in the conventional economics. By conventional economics we mean the mainstream economics inherited from the West.

·      Rao established three noted institutions in Social Science research in India:

Ø  Delhi School of Economics,
Ø  Institute of Economic Growth and
Ø  The Institute for Social and Economic Change

·     He was also instrumental in establishing the
Ø  Indian Council of Social Science Research,
Ø  Agro-economic Centres and
Ø  Population Research Centres
He created an autonomous public body in the form of the Indian Council of Social Science Research.

·     Rao completed his Master’s in economics from Bombay University, where he worked on the taxation of income in India for his Master’s thesis. He then moved on to Cambridge to pursue his PhD, where he became a student of Keynes.

·    For Rao, economics was a social science that would aid in improving the human condition. In Cambridge, he discovered that the tools of government intervention could aid in fulfilling the objective of economic as well as social betterment.

·    Since there was no official body in India to prepare National Income estimate before Indian Independence, the same was prepared by some eminent personalities in their personal capacity. Dadabhai Naoroji, fondly called the Grand Old Man of India, was the pioneer in this field.

·    He prepared the first estimates of National income in 1876. He estimated the national income by first estimating the value of agricultural production and then adding a certain percentage as non-agricultural production. However, such method can only been called as a non-scientific method.

·  The first person to adopt a scientific procedure in estimating the national income was Dr. V K R V Rao in 1931. He divided the Indian Economy into two parts

Ø    Agricultural Sector which included agriculture, forests, fishing and hunting.
Ø  Corporate Sector which included industries, construction, business, transport and public services.

·  Two different methods were used for estimating the income in the two sectors.         
·         Product method was used for estimating income in agricultural sector  
·         Income method was used for estimating income in the corporate sector
·         Net Factor Income earned from abroad was added to the sum of the above two to obtain national income.

·     It is difficult to assess the legacy of Dr. Rao because of his wide-ranging accomplishments in diverse areas — as a scholar of economics, an institution builder, adviser, politician and Minister. His early works on the national income of India added valuable insights to the economic studies of the country. He later went on to write more than 20 books.


·      'Where the value system is in shambles, and there is no attempt to restore ethical and social norms of conduct, there is no hope for the future of its people.

·    “The link between infrastructure and development is not a once for all affair. It is a continuous process and progress in development has to be preceded accompanied and followed by progress in infrastructure, if we are to fulfill our declared objectives of a self-accelerating process of economic development”.

·    “I believe that therefore our universities should take positive and purposive action to stimulate in our student world the consciousness of Indian culture, its traditions and its values, and at the same time an equal consciousness of the poverty and misery that clogs the lives of so many of our fellow citizens. Once we get a true understanding of Indian culture and develop a living consciousness of our social responsibilities, character follows automatically.”

·     "This so called free will of consumer or what is called the consumer's freedom of choice is itself an assumption that has been proved to be more of myth than an approximation to reality. Consumer's choice in the capitalist society of today is based so much on convention, class standard, cultural complexes and flood of advertisement that his freedom of choice is more a figure of speech than an actual fact.

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